Wednesday 17 February 2016

Women don't want solutions and men don't want to listen to problems

Men understand “problem.” Men are compelled to solve “problems.” Problems have solutions. Problems are finite. Solving problems can even be fun! - Alison Armstrong:

I read a blog today on this very subject today.  As usual it got me to thinking!!  Why do women just want to talk about their problems and not find a solution beats me.  Why don't men listen, then come up with a solution when they have not listened to the problems in full?  How can they offer a proper solution if they don't want to listen to the problem in the first place?

I am a single, unmarried woman, with daughters, and yes it’s nice to be able to talk about a problem, but because I am alone, I found that I want someone to listen and give a solution.

Problem solving

If I just want to talk and bitch about the problem, I talk to my daughters.

It’s always nice to have another opinion; sometimes we see things only in a certain light. Having a man give the solution will be wonderful.

A problem shared is a problem halved 

I have always had to come up with a solution myself.  I also found that people treat women that are single differently, from those women that have men in their lives.  People don't mess around with women when she has the support of a man.  I have become wise and usually ask my boss, or another man at work, to support me.  My boss comes up with pretty good solutions, usually just showing his face; get those people off my back, that think they can take me for a ride.

Yes women love to talk, but I found that I have never been one of these women; surely there are other women that don't like airing their dirty linen for everyone to see?  I talk to a man for instance, so he can offer a solution.

Men love to fix things? lol sure ....... If a man is truly interested in the woman concerned he will LISTEN TO THE PROBLEM!  Men only listen and offer a solution if they have something to gain from doing this.  If men don't listen to a problem they will not be interested in giving a solution. Lol, you will think that either the man has gone death, or he cleverly distracts the women away from the problem, lol.

Let’s reverse this topic, women listen and give damn good solutions and men simply don't listen cause what do women know about fixing problems, lol.  Then the man who has not listened would say to the woman, "why did you not tell me".

Men and women might deal with problems in different ways, this is good in my opinion because between the two of them they probably could come up with a solution.

I tell it straight, there is no other way to do it.  I am not here to flatter any one ego!

If a women just wants to talk to unload, yes it would be better to have this conversation with a girlfriend.  A women sometimes need the opinion of another women, yes because men do think differently from women.  Well most men!!  Some men can really be in-tune with their feminine side.

just for the laugh!!!

Women are better communicators

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