Wednesday 3 February 2016

Trust is Given Not Earned

To Trust or not

Trust is something that is not taught, as love is taught.  Trust is given.

Meaning of trust - belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc

Trust is always given.
It doesn’t matter the context. In the end, trust is about the person extending it. If someone violates your trust, you expect them to earn it back. But, the choice to trust them again is really about you. Even when you expect someone to earn your trust, you still end up giving it. 

The following must be applied.
  1. Extend trust first.
  2. Assume the best.
  3. Be vulnerable.
  4. Forgive.
Some people never trust onces trust has been broken, that is their loss.  This leads to mistrust.

Distrust breeds:

  1. Suspicion and paranoia.
  2. Micromanagement and second guessing.
  3. Rules, sign-offs, and bureaucracy.
  4. Apprehension. Fear of taking action without permission.
  5. Skepticism. Distrust assumes negative intentions.

"Distrust feels like protecion but its's destruction"

The opposite of trust:

The opposite of trust is self-protection.

Distrust is fear’s response to vulnerability. Self-protection builds walls that limit influence, impact, relationship, and fulfillment

Oh we've got to trust
one another again
in some essentials.

Not the narrow little
bargaining trust
that says: I'm for you
if you'll be for me. -

But a bigger trust,
a trust of the sun
that does not bother
about moth and rust,
and we see it shining
in one another.

Oh don't you trust me,
don't burden me
with your life and affairs; don't
thrust me
into your cares.

But I think you may trust
the sun in me
that glows with just
as much glow as you see
in me, and no more.

But if it warms
your heart's quick core
why then trust it, it forms
one faithfulness more.

And be, oh be
a sun to me,
not a weary, insistent

but a sun that shines
and goes dark, but shines
again and entwines
with the sunshine in me

till we both of us
are more glorious
and more sunny.

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