Thursday 11 February 2016

Colour & What You Wear

Colour Matters for What You Wear

You will probably feel good wearing your favourite colour. Clothes become a second skin. One sends out a message when we wear certain colours. What message are we sending out?
One of the most common examples of colour symbolism is the custom of using pink for girls and blue for boys. This tradition emerged at the turn of the 20th century. Pink was always thought as a strong colour, and more suited for boys. Blue was delicate and dainty and more suited for girls. In 1921, the Women's Institute for Domestic Science in Pennsylvania endorsed pink for boys, blue for girls.

In Belgium, pink is used for baby boys and blue is used for baby girls. In Bermuda, pink is considered a very masculine colour. British bakers and barrister have worn pink shirts for decades.
Pink goes in and out of fashion all the time. 

What colours are worn for weddings 

White is the traditional colour for a bride's wedding gown White symbolizes purity and innocence.

In Asia, white is the colour of death. This arises from the belief that death is seen as a beginning and that white represents the purity that the deceased brings into the next life. Brides in Japan and China wear red in traditional wedding ceremonies.

White is also associated with death in India, where widows wear white. In India, red or pink saris are the most popular colours for brides.

 What colours are worn for funerals

Black symbolizes death and is the traditional colour of mourning. Black clothing is associated with powerful forces in many parts of the world. Bad and good. Witches, the devil, ninjas, cat burglars, Darth Vader, CatWoman, and Batman wear black....and so do priests, nuns, judges, mimes, Mennonites, Bedouins, and monks.

Maybe the common thread is that these people are signaling their seriousness of purpose - or the need to be hard to see - or both. 

What colours should you wear to an interview?

Colours can send a massage during an interview, so what colours should you wear?
Blue is an safe colour, avoid brown altogether, black conveys leadership. Red send a message of power but not in a good way.  Gray is a safe colour.  Don't wear orange.  White sends the message that you are organised and detailed orientated.  Purple and yellow are for interviews in the creative sense.

What colours should redheads wear

GREEN: Green hues look amazing on all redheads; from emerald to teal, these shades are stunning when paired with red hair.

PURPLE: Remember art class? Purple compliments red

BLUE: Cobalt, navy and light blue

RED: There is an old adage that redheads should never actually wear red.The key is to find a red tone that works with your skin tone and shade of hair. s. 

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