Wednesday 10 February 2016

The right to be wrong

Image result for i have a right to be wrongRecently I read a blog about the right to be wrong.  In my opinion I think people never have the right to be wrong.  I admire and like this person very much, but I don't agree with him on this subject.  Making mistakes is part of life, being wrong is part of life, but saying "I have the right to be wrong" is wrong in itself.  The only time a person has the "right to be wrong", they admit to being wrong and try to solve the situation and fix it.  By saying they have the right to be wrong, indicated to me that they just accept the situation and do nothing to fix it.  Making mistakes, one has the right to makes mistakes, one learns from making mistakes.

Making mistakes

mistakesMaking mistakes and bad decisions is the most important lessons in life that we shall have.  It's an excellent teacher.  Life is all about giving us experience, the way we live our life and the adjustment we make to correct our mistakes.  We go through suffering, agony and the ordeals that we have to face daily.

“Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from poor judgment.”

We learn from making mistakes and we must try not to repeat the same mistakes twice. We gain wisdom and a better sense to make better choices and decisions.  We only truly learn from our mistakes.  Often we will make the same mistakes over, before we learn. 

Experiences which are either good or bad teach us to have a better sense of judgement.  Bad judgement stays with us longer.  We don't want to go repeating that bad judgement.  Wisdom is knowledge gained from making mistakes.

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” – Albert Einstein

Taking risks in life we gain judgement, whither is good or bad.  If you never take any risks, you will never learn and will not have a good sense of judgement.  You will continue making bad judgement and continue to have bad experience.  It will continue to go until you accept the fact you need to take risks in this life. 

Too many people place the blame on others when things go wrong, they are in denial and do not take responsibility for their actions.  When you take responsibility for yourself, and admit to your mistakes, the learning process will only begin then.

Life gives us valuable lesson in things that we are exposed to daily.  We can learn from our experiences and from the experiences from other people.

“Well, we all make mistakes, so just put it behind you. We should regret our mistakes and learn from them, but never carry them forward into the future with us.
Recognizing our mistakes helps growth to start to take place.  It will help us prevent mistakes from happening again.  We need to learn from past mistakes to prevent it from happening again.

Some mistakes made can cost you money or friends; others are not important and can be ignore. Regardless of the mistakes made one need to acknowledge and analyse it to prevent it from happening again.

How can you expect your life to change, if you scared to take risks, to make mistakes? Sticking to the same patterns that are never beneficial in the first place.  Looking at mistakes and understanding will give progress and insight.  Don't be ashamed in the mistakes you have made, this will only hinder your progress.

“Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it’s a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.”

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