Wednesday 21 March 2018

The word "why"

Have you ever tried to get an answer to a simple question? I am trying to find an answer to why people use the 'why" word and I get complicated answers.

I know the reason to this question and I am amazed that nobody else has come to this conclusion.  Using the word why is a very simple way of asking a question.  It's a word that is used to get more detail answer than what was given originally.  It also widens and broadens our knowledge.

In other words is a word that enables us to explore on known facts and broadens the knowledge or answer that has been given to us.

Children are not scared to ask the why word.  Adults should be using the why word more often. 

Without the why word, scientists,  doctors, geologist, engineers, biologist, would never have made any advancements in their professions.

On a personal level when someone has done something to us we ask them why?  When a man goes and shots kids in a school, we ask why?

Why is the key to unlocking the reasons to many things. When we sufficiently have got an answer to why we can then go on the next word, how?

Why is getting a better grasp and understanding on how things are.

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