Today I was wondering
about human traits. As usually I looked
it up on the internet. I do know about human traits. I know there are positive and negative
traits. I also know of the conscious and
the unconscious of humans. Humans are made of many traits that are either positive
or negative.
I know there are many
traits that I have to get rid of. I know
there are many traits that I could improve on.
I also know that love it’s
closely linked to hate. A child might hate a parent because of the abuse but
secretly harboured intense love that has reversed itself. More intense hate has a great possibility of
love, when the problems have been resolved.
It seems that traits are connecting
to the consciousness and unconsciousness of the human brain.
As we go down lower into
the human consciousness, the wanting characteristics tend to appear.
Human traits can be
expressed at the physical, vital and mental levels. Mainly in one but that can
over shadows another.
Attitudes are vital, but
they have a slight mental aspect to them.
Personal values and beliefs are predominantly mental but also have a
vital component in that there is a vital wilful aspect to them,
Anger, hate, intense desire,
lust, jealousy etc. are all negative vital traits, while domination, tendency
to violence is all negative physical characteristics.
If traits attached to our
consciousness is both positive and negative.
We can note of them all and determine our weakness and our
strengths. In doing this we slowly
overcome the negative traits and strengthen the positive traits. Making us as grow as individuals, making us
become better people. More than likely
the quality of our lives will be much off for better for it.
Negative traits at the
physical, vital and mental level have at their root, human ego. Ego is the self-absorption and separateness
of our being that it is the very root fact that we identify with our own separate
bodies and self at the expense of others.
Ego is expressed at different levels, being physical, vita and metal. Domination is an expression of the physical
ego. Hate and anger are expressions of
the vital ego that has been hurt.
Many negative human
traits are due to overriding factors.
Our ignorance has its roots in the unconsciousness. Many examples of
this are stupidity, ignorance, falsehood, folly, poor decision making.
Conclusion – this is what
I have been looking for. All the words
attached to love are traits, characteristic traits. Love is emotions and yes some people are very
apt at expressing their feelings.
Love I guess is dependent
on whom we are. The more positive traits
we have, the more negative traits we get rid of. Our whole life will improve and everything in
Positive Traits | ||
1. Accessible | 113. Kind | 225. Venturesome |
2. Active | 114. Knowledge | 226. Vivacious |
3. Adaptable | 115. Leader | 227. Warm |
4. Admirable | 116. Leisurely | 228. Well-bred |
5. Adventurous | 117. Liberal | 229. Well-read |
6. Agreeable | 118. Logical | 230. Well-rounded |
7. Alert | 119. Lovable | 231. Winning |
8. All centric | 120. Loyal | 232. Wise |
9. Amiable | 121. Lyrical | 233. Witty |
10. Anticipative | 122. Magnanimous | 234. Youthful |
11. Appreciative | 123. Many-sided | |
12. Articulate | 124. Masculine (Manly) | |
13. Aspiring | 125. Mature | |
14. Athletic | 126. Methodical | |
15. Attractive | 127. Meticulous | |
16. Balanced | 128. Moderate | |
17. Benevolent | 129. Modest | |
18. Brilliant | 130. Multi-levelled | |
19. Calm | 131. Neat | |
20. Capable | 132. No authoritarian | |
21. Captivating | 133. Objective | |
22. Caring | 134. Observant | |
23. Challenging | 135. Open | |
24. Charismatic | 136. Optimistic | |
25. Charming | 137. Orderly | |
26. Cheerful | 138. Organized | |
27. Clean | 139. Original | |
28. Clear-headed | 140. Painstaking | |
29. Clever | 141. Passionate | |
30. Colourful | 142. Patient | |
31. Companion | 143. Patriotic | |
32. Compassionate | 144. Peaceful | |
33. Conciliatory | 145. Perceptive | |
34. Confident | 146. Perfectionist | |
35. Conscientious | 147. Personable | |
36. Considerate | 148. Persuasive | |
37. Constant | 149. Planful | |
38. Contemplative | 150. Playful | |
39. Cooperative | 151. Polished | |
40. Courageous | 152. Popular | |
41. Courteous | 153. Practical | |
42. Creative | 154. Precise | |
43. Cultured | 155. Principled | |
44. Curious | 156. Profound | |
45. Daring | 157. Protean | |
46. Debonair | 158. Protective | |
47. Decent | 159. Providential | |
48. Decisive | 160. Prudent | |
49. Dedicated | 161. Punctual | |
50. Deep | 162. Purposeful | |
51. Dignified | 163. Rational | |
52. Directed | 164. Realistic | |
53. Disciplined | 165. Reflective | |
54. Discreet | 166. Relaxed | |
55. Dramatic | 167. Reliable | |
56. Dutiful | 168. Resourceful | |
57. Dynamic | 169. Respectful | |
58. Earnest | 170. Responsible | |
59. Ebullient | 171. Responsive | |
60. Educated | 172. Reverential | |
61. Efficient | 173. Romantic | |
62. Elegant | 174. Rustic | |
63. Eloquent | 175. Sage | |
64. Empathetic | 176. Sane | |
65. Energetic | 177. Scholarly | |
66. Enthusiastic | 178. Scrupulous | |
67. Esthetic | 179. Secure | |
68. Exciting | 180. Selfless | |
69. Extraordinary | 181. Self-critical | |
70. Fair | 182. Self-defacing | |
71. Faithful | 183. Self-denying | |
72. Farsighted | 184. Self-reliant | |
73. Felicific | 185. Self-sufficient | |
74. Firm | 186. Sensitive | |
75. Flexible | 187. Sentimental | |
76. Focused | 188. Seraphic | |
77. Forceful | 189. Serious | |
78. Forgiving | 190. Sexy | |
79. Forthright | 191. Sharing | |
80. Freethinking | 192. Shrewd | |
81. Friendly | 193. Simple | |
82. Fun-loving | 194. Skilful | |
83. Gallant | 195. Sober | |
84. Generous | 196. Sociable | |
85. Gentle | 197. Solid | |
86. Genuine | 198. Sophisticated | |
87. Good-natured | 199. Spontaneous | |
88. Gracious | 200. Sporting | |
89. Hardworking | 201. Stable | |
90. Healthy | 202. Steadfast | |
91. Hearty | 203. Steady | |
92. Helpful | 204. Stoic | |
93. Heroic | 205. Strong | |
94. High-minded | 206. Studious | |
95. Honest | 207. Suave | |
96. Honourable | 208. Subtle | |
97. Humble | 209. Sweet | |
98. Humorous | 210. Sympathetic | |
99. Idealistic | 211. Systematic | |
100. Imaginative | 212. Tasteful | |
101. Impressive | 213. Treachery | |
102. Incisive | 214. Thorough | |
103. Incorruptible | 215. Tidy | |
104. Independent | 216. Tolerant | |
105. Individualistic | 217. Tractable | |
106. Innovative | 218. Trusting | |
107. Inoffensive | 219. Uncomplaining | |
108. Insightful | 220. Understanding | |
109. Insouciant | 221. Undogmatic | |
110. Intelligent | 222. Unfoolable | |
111. Intuitive | 223. Upright | |
112. Invulnerable | 224. Urbane |
Neutral Traits | Negative Traits | ||
1. Absentminded | 1. Abrasive | 113. Greedy | 225. Secretive |
2. Aggressive | 2. Abrupt | 114. Grim | 226. Sedentary |
3. Ambitious | 3. Agonizing | 115. Gullible | 227. Selfish |
4. Amusing | 4. Aimless | 116. Hateful | 228. Self-indulgent |
5. Artful | 5. Airy | 117. Haughty | 229. Shallow |
6. Ascetic | 6. Aloof | 118. Hedonistic | 230. Short-sighted |
7. Authoritarian | 7. Amoral | 119. Hesitant | 231. Shy |
8. Big-thinking | 8. Angry | 120. Hidebound | 232. Silly |
9. Boyish | 9. Anxious | 121. High-handed | 233. Single-minded |
10. Breezy | 10. Apathetic | 122. Hostile | 234. Sloppy |
11. Business-like | 11. Arbitrary | 123. Ignorant | 235. Slow |
12. Busy | 12. Argumentative | 124. Imitative | 236. Sly |
13. Casual | 13. Arrogant | 125. Impatient | 237. Small-thinking |
14. Cerebral | 14. Artificial | 126. Impractical | 238. Softheaded |
15. Chummy | 15. Asocial | 127. Imprudent | 239. Sordid |
16. Circumspect | 16. Assertive | 128. Impulsive | 240. Steely |
17. Competitive | 17. Astigmatic | 129. Inconsiderate | 241. Stiff |
18. Complex | 18. Barbaric | 130. Incurious | 242. Strong-willed |
19. Confidential | 19. Bewildered | 131. Indecisive | 243. Stupid |
20. Conservative | 20. Bizarre | 132. Indulgent | 244. Submissive |
21. Contradictory | 21. Bland | 133. Inert | 245. Superficial |
22. Crisp | 22. Blunt | 134. Inhibited | 246. Superstitious |
23. Cute | 23. Boisterous | 135. Insecure | 247. Suspicious |
24. Deceptive | 24. Brittle | 136. Insensitive | 248. Tactless |
25. Determined | 25. Brutal | 137. Insincere | 249. Tasteless |
26. Dominating | 26. Calculating | 138. Insulting | 250. Tense |
27. Dreamy | 27. Callous | 139. Intolerant | 251. Thievish |
28. Driving | 28. Cantankerous | 140. Irascible | 252. Thoughtless |
29. Droll | 29. Careless | 141. Irrational | 253. Timid |
30. Dry | 30. Cautious | 142. Irresponsible | 254. Transparent |
31. Earthy | 31. Charmless | 143. Irritable | 255. Treacherous |
32. Effeminate | 32. Childish | 144. Lazy | 256. Trendy |
33. Emotional | 33. Clumsy | 145. Libidinous | 257. Troublesome |
34. Enigmatic | 34. Coarse | 146. Loquacious | 258. Unappreciative |
35. Experimental | 35. Cold | 147. Malicious | 259. Uncaring |
36. Familial | 36. Colourless | 148. Mannered | 260. Uncharitable |
37. Folksy | 37. Complacent | 149. Manner less | 261. Unconvincing |
38. Formal | 38. Complaintive | 150. Mawkish | 262. Uncooperative |
39. Freewheeling | 39. Compulsive | 151. Mealy-mouthed | 263. Uncreative |
40. Frugal | 40. Conceited | 152. Mechanical | 264. Uncritical |
41. Glamorous | 41. Condemnatory | 153. Meddlesome | 265. Unctuous |
42. Guileless | 42. Conformist | 154. Melancholic | 266. Undisciplined |
43. High-spirited | 43. Confused | 155. Meretricious | 267. Unfriendly |
44. Huried | 44. Contemptible | 156. Messy | 268. Ungrateful |
45. Hypnotic | 45. Conventional | 157. Miserable | 269. Unhealthy |
46. Iconoclastic | 46. Cowardly | 158. Miserly | 270. Unimaginative |
47. Idiosyncratic | 47. Crafty | 159. Misguided | 271. Unimpressive |
48. Impassive | 48. Crass | 160. Mistaken | 272. Unlovable |
49. Impersonal | 49. Crazy | 161. Money-minded | 273. Unpolished |
50. Impressionable | 50. Criminal | 162. Monstrous | 274. Unprincipled |
51. Intense | 51. Critical | 163. Moody | 275. Unrealistic |
52. Invisible | 52. Crude | 164. Morbid | 276. Unreflective |
53. Irreligious | 53. Cruel | 165. Muddle-headed | 277. Unreliable |
54. Irreverent | 54. Cynical | 166. Naïve | 278. Unrestrained |
55. Maternal | 55. Decadent | 167. Narcissistic | 279. Unself critical |
56. Mellow | 56. Deceitful | 168. Narrow | 280. Unstable |
57. Modern | 57. Delicate | 169. Narrow-minded | 281. Vacuous |
58. Moralistic | 58. Demanding | 170. Natty | 282. Vague |
59. Mystical | 59. Dependent | 171. Negativistic | 283. Venal |
60. Neutral | 60. Desperate | 172. Neglectful | 284. Venomous |
61. Noncommittal | 61. Destructive | 173. Neurotic | 285. Vindictive |
62. Non-competitive | 62. Devious | 174. Nihilistic | 286. Vulnerable |
63. Obedient | 63. Difficult | 175. Obnoxious | 287. Weak |
64. Old-fashioned | 64. Dirty | 176. Obsessive | 288. Weak-willed |
65. Ordinary | 65. Disconcerting | 177. Obvious | 289. Well-meaning |
66. Outspoken | 66. Discontented | 178. Odd | 290. Wilful |
67. Paternalistic | 67. Discouraging | 179. Offhand | 291. Wishful |
68. Physical | 68. Discourteous | 180. One-dimensional | 292. Zany |
69. Placid | 69. Dishonest | 181. One-sided | |
70. Political | 70. Disloyal | 182. Opinionated | |
71. Predictable | 71. Disobedient | 183. Opportunistic | |
72. Preoccupied | 72. Disorderly | 184. Oppressed | |
73. Private | 73. Disorganized | 185. Outrageous | |
74. Progressive | 74. Disputatious | 186. Over imaginative | |
75. Proud | 75. Disrespectful | 187. Paranoid | |
76. Pure | 76. Disruptive | 188. Passive | |
77. Questioning | 77. Dissolute | 189. Pedantic | |
78. Quiet | 78. Dissonant | 190. Perverse | |
79. Religious | 79. Distractible | 191. Petty | |
80. Reserved | 80. Disturbing | 192. Pharisaic | |
81. Restrained | 81. Dogmatic | 193. Phlegmatic | |
82. Retiring | 82. Domineering | 194. Plodding | |
83. Sarcastic | 83. Dull | 195. Pompous | |
84. Self-conscious | 84. Easily Discouraged | 196. Possessive | |
85. Sensual | 85. Egocentric | 197. Power-hungry | |
86. Sceptical | 86. Enervated | 198. Predatory | |
87. Smooth | 87. Envious | 199. Prejudiced | |
88. Soft | 88. Erratic | 200. Presumptuous | |
89. Solemn | 89. Escapist | 201. Pretentious | |
90. Solitary | 90. Excitable | 202. Prim | |
91. Stern | 91. Expedient | 203. Procrastinating | |
92. Stolid | 92. Extravagant | 204. Profligate | |
93. Strict | 93. Extreme | 205. Provocative | |
94. Stubborn | 94. Faithless | 206. Pugnacious | |
95. Stylish | 95. False | 207. Puritanical | |
96. Subjective | 96. Fanatical | 208. Quirky | |
97. Surprising | 97. Fanciful | 209. Reactionary | |
98. Soft | 98. Fatalistic | 210. Reactive | |
99. Tough | 99. Fawning | 211. Regimental | |
100. Unaggressive | 100. Fearful | 212. Regretful | |
101. Unambitious | 101. Fickle | 213. Repentant | |
102. Unceremonious | 102. Fiery | 214. Repressed | |
103. Unchanging | 103. Fixed | 215. Resentful | |
104. Undemanding | 104. Flamboyant | 216. Ridiculous | |
105. Unfathomable | 105. Foolish | 217. Rigid | |
106. Unhurried | 106. Forgetful | 218. Ritualistic | |
107. Uninhibited | 107. Fraudulent | 219. Rowdy | |
108. Unpatriotic | 108. Frightening | 220. Ruined | |
109. Unpredictable | 109. Frivolous | 221. Sadistic | |
110. Unreligious | 110. Gloomy | 222. Sanctimonious | |
111. Unsentimental | 111. Graceless | 223. Scheming | |
112. Whimsical | 112. Grand | 224. Scornful |
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