Sunday 4 March 2018


Every day we learn something new.

Of cause in order to learn we have to be prepared to put some effort into it.

Where do we go to learn about things that we want to know about?

Of cause, the internet.

ALL these webpages are there as people have put up there own post.  So if you looking to find information to confirm what you think is right, you will obviously find it.

Also you will find the opposite to your own thinking.

I was recently looking up information on how to determine the age of a kitten that I had find in my garden.

Do you think I could find this information?  Yes I did but it was conflicting to what I know from previous experience in raising less than one day old kittens.

The thing with kittens they are like human babies.  Each kitten developes at their own rate.

The vet I went to who has gained his knowledge from study put the kitten roughy at the age of 5 to 6 weeks, which I knew was incorrect.

In other words the information gotten from the internet could only been taken as a guideline, in this instance.

The kitten was refusing to drink from a bottle.  I thought there might be an a medical reason for this.  Then again I do not know why this kitten was left unattended by his mother.  Did his mother abandon him as mother cats will not keep feeding her babies when she knows there is no future for them?  Or did someone just dump the kitten there, knowing that I would take it and care for it?

The vet gave antibiotic and a vitamin, and deworming tablets.

For two days the kitten suckle from the bottle and then stopped.  Feeding the kitten was like force feeding it.  At work I gave the kitten the other quarter of the deworming tablet that the vet had given.  To be given every third day.

I could not even manage to force feed him afterwards.  When I got home later. He appeared very very tired.  I thought nothing of it.  Later I woke up to find the kitten not responsive at all.  Breathing was very erratic.

I called up my best friend and he was at a loss.  The kitten was dying before my very own eyes.  My friend looks up the kitten condition on the internet and told me what to do.

I had to make a solution of sugar and water, syrup would be better, and put this solution on his tongue and gums every 2 minutes.  If I left it longer than this I might not even bother trying.

It took several hours and the kitten was starting to respond and move.  I could then use a syringe and get a  ml in his mouth.

The kitten survived, Thanks to the caring of my best friend and the very good post on the internet.

Keep posting you will never know how your posts might help someone like me.

Personal experience as well for the worst thing is to feel that we are alone though we are not as there are others that go through what we have gone through and shared experience can half the weight we carry

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