Saturday 17 March 2018


Growing up I had little of people believing in me.

I grew up believing that everything I did would turn into a failure.

I was a screw up and a looser.

Once in a while someone would come into my life that believed in me.  Giving me a reason to carry on.

They would always leave.  I knew this would happen. 

If you believe  in what others believe you are, you proofing them right.

My father believed there was good in everyone.  When it came to his own family I doubt he thought like this.  I guess when it canes to people that are closer to us, we become harsher in our expectations of them.

I believe in you
You will make mistakes
You will fail at some task
You will not forgive at times
You will feel alone at times
You will lack understanding
You will feel angry
You will feel hatred
You will feel such pain and sorrow
You will grieve
You will be selfish
You will feel dispear

I believe in you because ...
Mistakes can be fixed
When you fail you can try again
When you do not give forgiveness you can summon up compassion
When you feel alone seek others out that feel this way also
When you lack understanding gain knowledge
When you feel angry, let the anger go
When you feel hatred. Find the cause and work on it
When you feel pain and sorrow Unite and give comfort to others
When you grieve remember the best things
When you feel dispear remember that you are never alone. Fight It!

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