Saturday 24 March 2018

Día de Muertos - day of the dead

When people die, it's the worst thing that can happen to us, but you see they never leave us, not with the memories that we carry in our hearts.  They will always be there as long as there are people that remember then.  The custom to past down memories of them down to the next generation, keeps them always close to us. They will only be really gone when there is nobody left that remembers them


Day of the dead is a holiday celebrated in central and southern Mexico. From midnight 31st October to the 2nd of November.

This is an ancient of honouring the people who have died.  They combined the Catholic holiday called All Souls and All Saint's day.

They believe that the gates of heaven are opened at midnight on October 31, and the spirits of all deceased children (angelitos) are allowed to reunite with their families for 24 hours. On November 2, the spirits of the adults come down to enjoy the festivities that are prepared for them.

It's only in Central and Southern Mexico where the colorful parties take place in the cemeteries and elaborate ofrenda altars are built in the homes to honor their dead.

Northern Mexico, with its less indigenous and more European roots, spend the day scrubbing graves and going to Mass... not having music, drinks and parties in the cemeteries.


In most Indian villages, beautiful altars (ofrendas) are made in each home. They are decorated with candles, buckets of flowers (wild marigolds called cempasuchil & bright red cock's combs) mounds of fruit, peanuts, plates of turkey mole, stacks of tortillas and big Day-of-the-Dead breads called pan de muerto. The altar needs to have lots of food, bottles of soda, hot cocoa and water for the weary spirits. Toys and candies are left for the angelitos, and on Novomber 2nd, cigarettes and shots of mezcal are offered to the adult spirits. Little folk art skeletons and sugar skulls, purchased at open-air markets, provide the final touches.

On the afternoon of November 2nd, the festivities are taken to the cemetery. People clean tombs, play cards, listen to the village band and reminisce about their loved ones. Tradition keeps the village close.

Day of the Dead is a very expensive holiday for these self-sufficient, rural based, indigenous families. Many spend over two month's income to honor their dead relatives. They believe that happy spirits will provide protection, good luck and wisdom to their families. Ofrendabuilding keeps the family close.

Animated movies

Animated movies have alway something in them that we can learn from.  Animated moves are not just for kids.  These two moves are very good. Both movies are based on the day of the dead.


The book of life

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