Friday, 4 March 2016

Old Family Traditional Values

Family break downs are happening more and more often.  There are many reasons for this. People just don't have the time for old family traditional values anymore.  The "traditional family" involves the father as a breadwinner and the mother as the homemaker, raising their children together.  Both parents go to work these days, in order to make things meet.  More emphases are placed on materialistic things these days.  Children are getting spoiled these days with expensive presents.  Materialistic things are not essential to have a loving and happy home. Why must children have the latest and most expensive toys and electronic devices out there? Why must the husband drive the latest car and the woman have the modern kitchen, with all fancy gadgets?  Why must the husband and wife have everything when they start on a home of their own?. Where is the excitement in building one's home up as the years go by?

Image result for a man's home is his castle

Surely if the family did without, then it would be possible for the mother to stay at home, and be a homemaker and a mother that is available to her children?  The wife that would be available to her husband when he comes home.  Ready with the cooked meal, the slippers and the newspaper, lol.

Each member of the family has their own choirs to do.  Washing dishes, taking out the washing, loading the washing machine, hanging up the washing.  Setting the dinner table, clearing the table after each meal.

Some would say, this would happen if this would be an ideal world, and this does not happen anymore, but I know it can happened, it has happened in the past, with our grandparents. There was no such thing as running to get a divorce when things started to get unpleasant.  

It's not easy

Meaning of family traditional values

According to, "family values" is defined as "the moral and ethical principles traditionally upheld and transmitted within a family, as honesty, loyalty, industry, and faith."

According to Merriam-Webster, "family values" are "values especially of a traditional or conservative kind which are held to promote the sound functioning of the family and to strengthen the fabric of society".

According to, "family values" are "values held to be traditionally taught or reinforced within a family, such as those of high moral standards and discipline."

Image result for family
Meaning of Family
'Family' is a single word, with many different meanings. People have many ways of defining a family and what being a part of a family means to them. Families differ in terms of economic, cultural, social, and many other facets, but what every family has in common is that the people who call it a family are making clear that those people are important in some way to the person calling them his family.

Value is defined as the quality or worth of a thing.  To combine the words together yields a definition of:  a traditional set of social standards defined by the family and a history of customs that provide the emotional and physical basis for raising a family.   Our social values are often times reinforced by our spiritual or religious beliefs and traditions.  Do you have traditional family values?  How do you determine your family values? 

Schedule a Family Play Night 
The values a family develops are traditionally the foundation for how children learn, grow and function in the world. 
Family values are ideas passed down from generation to generation.  It's how we would like to live our family life.  Three basic tasks in life are work, play and love.  Often neglected is play and love, as we get caught up in work and in our career goals, materialistic things and financial rewards.  We need a balance in our lives, where play and our loving relationships take priority. If we don't our lives becomes stressful and unsatisfying.  Family should always come first, but most find very little time or energy left to spend quality time with their families.

definition of family

What does family time mean to you? 
The mean of family to each member of the family will be different.  Thoughts and feelings should be shared.  Family always should know what is happening to other family members all the time.

Traditional family values that fall under the “love task” include all our relationships. 
How you regard your commitments to marriage, what role religion/spirituality plays in the family. How emotionally available you are to others, sharing responsibility and the common interest shared by your spouse and family, shared activities and hobbies, how family time is spent, how family decisions are made, common beliefs shared by you and your spouse regarding spirituality and religion, how family traditions are established. Often time assumptions are made about what another family member believes or values.  Misunderstandings and miscommunication can happen because of these assumptions.  

Quality time for family, when a family does things together.  Time just set aside for the immediate family.  This is recreation, relaxation and alone time.  A time to let our bodies to unwind and calm down. Each member has their choirs.

What do you value in terms of your play?  Without a period of time to allow our bodies to unwind and calm down, the rest of our day gets out of balance.   How does your family incorporate these activities into life?  Are there things you and your family do to incorporate play and alone time into your lives?

Traditional family values usually include such topics such as religion, marriage, communication, traditions, morals, holidays, interactions with relatives and how time is spent together.   
To identify what your values are and the values of your family, it is helpful to get a clearer picture of what that actually means. Having family discussions would help identify what values are important to each member of the family.  Installing values, when values of family members are not up to scratch.

*Family values are the foundation for how children grow, are taught and supported.  
staying together quotes | ... "Try"als: Families That Eat Together, Stay Together - Gift Set: Traditional family values are usually passed on from one generation to the next, giving children the structure and boundaries in which to function and thrive.  Family time, love, play and work give children this foundation.  Take the time to share your family values and traditions with your children.  Share meals together where the family gets together to talk about the day, schedule recreation and relaxation into your day-to-day life.  The definition of family values is the social standards defined by the family and a history of traditions that provide the emotional and physical basis for raising a family.  Work together within your family to identify and                                                                                               create your own family values.

believe in traditional family values

It is my obligation as a family member

To do everything in my power
To keep aging or disabled family members
From having to live or die in nursing homes

This was passed down to me

As a child
Through the example of my great-uncle Lindy
Who moved in with my great-grandma?
To keep her out of a nursing home
As long as he could
Even as she broke her hips multiple times
And became frail and bedridden
She stayed at home as long as she could
Because of our family values

Because of our traditional family values

I was able to visit her every year
In her tiny little house
Smaller than some of my apartments
But filled with love and kindness
Because she was a hard-core Hufflepuff
And she and her house
Had a long time
To become part of each other

What, you were expecting something different?

Then either you’ve grown too used to hearing
Right-wing propaganda disguised as tradition
Or you don’t know how many valuable traditions
A family can have

I am very traditional in my own way

Even if you can’t see it
And it is traditions like this
That is at the core of my value system
Traditions that come from love
Not from unthinking obedience to hate

So next time you hear the words

Traditional family values
Think hard
About your family’s best traditions
The ones that come from love
You might not have any
But you might
And you might be surprised what they are

And if you can find any such traditions

Then do all you can to take back the meaning
Of traditional family values
To apply to the love your family has taught you
Passed down through the generations
That’s what tradition, in its best sense, means
by Mel

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