Wednesday 2 March 2016

Fathers and their Daughters

Daddy's girl:
Father influences their daughters in a huge way, whither its positive or negatively. The way a father treats his daughter will affect her in many ways, how she sees herself and what sort of man she will later choice in life.  Daughters need their fathers while growing up, fathers should be aware on how much their daughters need a participating father in their lives.

Father & Daughter Quotes: The most important thing a daughter needs from her father is his constant presence and reassurance. Daughters need to know that they can always depend on their fathers and that their fathers will always be around for them.  Daughters will have a lot of difficulties going through adolescence and it’s very important that she knows, whatever happens, she has a father that will be there to support her, love her, no matter what!!

Daughters need unconditional love.  Love that covers multitude of mistakes and sin. Daughter need to know that we would give our lives up for them. We have two ways we express our love, one is telling them and the other is by our actions.  It’s so very important to tell your daughter that you love them, all the time.  It's the most important thing for a daughter to know that her mother and father are always there and will always make sacrifices for her.  Daughter's that grow up with a hunger for male love (their fathers love) with be like a ship without a ruder, a ship without an anchor.  Daughters will make many mistakes searching for that love that their fathers never gave them.
Fathers encouragement and approval help the daughter develop confidence and a feeling of adequacy. Females judge each other on appearance, so when a father encourages his daughter to partake in various activities, she has something that provides her with self-esteem, other than her physical appearance. Also, she is less likely to depend upon a male’s sexual desire for her as the determining factor for her esteem and self-image. Fathers who encourage their daughters give them a huge step up in life. Without that encouragement, too many women go through life with feelings of worthlessness and despair.
People will influence your daughter but not as much as you will, because after all you are her Dad. 

Family rules and how you implement do this is very important to your daughter.  Protecting and teaching her about things in life, does not take a degree in psychology. 

You have the most influence in their daughter's life.  Your daughter life will be shaped by you. 

Your daughter gives you that power of authority that she gives no other man.  Your Daughter will become alienated from you, if she loses her respect for you.  If you are not around and fail to protect and provide for her, she will look for someone else to take the fathers place. 

Your authority over your daughter is what will bring you two closer together. If you don't use your authority over your daughter, and set high standard for her, if you don't act to protect her and if you don't live a life based on moral principles, your daughter will suffer.  You are after all her role model and how you choice to live your life, is how she will lead hers. 

Daughter boasts about their Dads. How their Dad's play a very important part in their lives. Daughter adores or hates their fathers, sometimes at the same time. Your daughter needs your love throughout her life time; don't let your daughter down.  

beautiful father daughter quotes

Your emotional connection to your daughter will help her cope with depression and prevent her from eating disorders.  Show a real interest in your daughter.

Your daughter needs you to hug her very often.  She needs to know that you will love her forever.

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