Wednesday 9 March 2016

Do men compare the women, in all relationships, past and present?

A man asked this question to me - "do I compare all the men in my past relationship?" and my answer was no.  

The question would then be, why would I, do that if my answer had been yes.

I can only find one possible answer, I never let go of the man that I had a relationship with and was still very much in love with him.  I had not sufficient time to grieve for my loss, and still had a feeling of being an utter failure.  I went into a new relationship, when I was not ready and was still on the rebound.

Nobody can replace a person that you once loved, or still love, it pointless and it only leads to heartache in the long run.  

Why I never done that

Firstly I never was attracted to different men in the same way.  Each man that I had a relationship was different to the man that I dated previously.  I have never tried to find my lost love in another man.  Past relationships are just that and should not have influence over the "new" relationship.  If you found that you that you are looking for the same type of person that you have lost, and you want to replace that person with a similar person, then instead of having a successful relationship, you have doomed that relationship right from the start.  I also give time a chance to heal .........

Now to answer the question that I posed.

Do men compare the women, in all relationships, past and present?

Yes, unfortunately they do.  I guess the main reason is that the man is not really happy in that new relationship, or perhaps any of the relationships that he ever had, except one (maybe!)

Sweet birthday poem for ex-girlriend to write on a greeting card
The man has a tendency to hope that he did not leave something hoping for something better, only to be disappointed on realising that he would have been much happier staying put in his last relationship.  (Or simply his expectations are unrealistic). When the realisation occurs, it's much too late to do anything about it, too much water has flown under the bridge, very seldom can both parties overlook the reasons why they split up in the first time.

Another reason for comparison is sexual gratification, a comparison arises when the man is not being fulfilled sexually, that can be easily remedied, talk about your likes and dislikes, and of course ask her what her preferences are also.

Assuming IF a man is happy in his current relationship the comparing will not go on for long. 

We all must remember that there's a reason our exes are our exes

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