Sunday 6 May 2018

What is life all about?  We are born and then we die.  Some never get to be born.  Some only take a few breaths.  Some live for a very short time.  Some are not planned, some are planned.

To me it's a miracle to bring a child into this world.

It's not the big things in life that count the most.  It's the little things.  The things that most of us have no time to see because we so busy competing with the Jones.

People today have no time for others.  Most have concerns for their own needs that they could not give a shit or if even care if someone else is going through a rough patch.

If you got it all, the money, the car, the house, and all the trimings you will always have the friends to go with it.  I call them the hanger onners.  The ones that get a free ride at your expenses.

If you were to loose it all, those who have called you their friends disappear.

Yes life is what we make of it.  But life is not just about us.  It's the people in it that make life worth living.  So many, so many of us are seeking someone that just belongs to us.  We can share the rest of our lives with.  But people are not willing to comprise and put themselves out for something they so desperately need.

What I have is because my one sister gave it too me.  She said she rather not give me the money as I probably give it away.  She bought me a couch, a tv, a fridge and a bed.  She even bought the cats beds for them.

My sister has a heart of gold and she is always there for me and others.  I love her .

The stuff she gave me is materialistic but her genorisity is the one gift of hers that she has no idea she has given me that counts the most to me. 

These things that she bought me does not bring me happiness but I think it made her feel good doing it.

When someone we know dyes it makes us face reality how life is so unpredictable and we can loose people in our lives at anytime.  For a short while we show more appreciation of these people in our lives but in this rat life we live and the pace which we live at we neglect to tell them that we love them.

Call me stupid but I get so much pleasure and enjoyment out of the small things in life.

The new leaf on a banana tree.  It starts up like a rolled up bit of paper and it unfolds to a beautiful full leave.  It's amazing.

How the banana tree produces it's fruit.  It so amazing.  The pod.  The flowers and the fruit which I get to see and so many of you will never get to see.

Two feral kittens playing in my garden together.  The only reasons why they in the garden is firstly they have a mother and secondly I can't catch them.

Watching them at play and enjoying their closeness brought such a wonder to me.

I don't see them all the time and it's been a while since I last saw these two kittens but when I looked out of the window this morning  I saw them together.  I put food out for them and sometimes it's eaten and sometimes not.
I watched how the black kitten was washed by the tabby kitten, it melted my heart.

People don't think animals have a capacity to love but they do and their love is not like the love us humans have for each other.  It's totally unselfish and never seeks reward.  A animal love for it's owner it's one of total loyalty.

The new buds appearing on the different plants in my garden.

A different species of bird that visits my garden and I get to see it.

The checkyness of the yellow bishop when I put bread out for them.   I sit on the stoep watching them as they come to take it.

A spider in its web.  I don't kill spiders.  They have even more of a right to be here than we do. 

Everything on this plant as a purpose.  Without the one then the other could not survive and man is the one that GOD made as care taker but GOD Made a terrible mistake in doing this. 

Man is the reason why many animals are disappearing from this planet and I could never bear to life in a concrete jungle.  No plants, no animals.  What a horrible life that would be.  GOD only created man on the 6th day.

Sometimes I just sit on the stop and listen to the birds singing.  It's beautiful music.

The sunrise and the sunsets.  God's art on the sky.

God helps those who help themselves.  He gives us the strength and helps us to find the solution ourselves but GOD is very busy and sometime he uses people to help out others.  He has done this many times in my life.  A complete stranger has stopped and given assistance to me when I have needed it.  Unfortunately there are not many in this world that do it.

Start making this a better world for me and for You, for your children and the children of your sisters and brothers and for all future generations to come.  Do a good deed and share a little of your good fortune with others that have lost theirs.

This comes in many forms.  Sometimes just take the time to listen.  It cost nothing.  Often solutions arise when others input.

Stop and smell the roses.  Stop and look there are amazing stuff and true miracles happening around us

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