Saturday 7 April 2018

God created evolution

My mother raised my sisters and I in the Protestant faith.  Let me tell you a little bit about my mother.  As a little girl she contracted polio that lead her later to be confined in a wheel chair.  My father did not follow any religion.  My mother had no means of getting to places or going to church.

It was a priest from the Roman Catholic church that showed any sort of caring.  As a result my mother converted and became a Catholic.  This priest came once every week to talk to my mother and had mass with her.

Before she did my sisters and I went to a Catholic school .  Our parents wanted us to have the best education possible and my parents thought that we would get that from a Catholic school as it was a private school.

My sister's and I all had to be converted to the Catholic faith.  My sisters were older than me and at the time I never gave it much thought.  Later on I did and at that time I had made a choice not to go to church anymore.  There were a few people that came into my life that encouraged me to go to different churches as they thought this would give me a purpose in my life.  A few things that happened in my life lead me to this choice.

The first one is that I fall pregnant and I was not married.  I wanted my daughter to be baptised in the Catholic faith.  I went to the church to make arrangements for my daughter's christening.  The priest was apologetic as he was booked with christening  for a few weeks but on hearing that I was unmarried it became a matter of urgency that she should get christened as soon as possible.

According to the church my daughter was born with the sins that was the legacy that Adam and Eve passed down to us all.

I could not accept that and will never accept it.  According to the church I had sinned.  I had a child out of wedlock.  This I could accept but could not accept that my sins or the sin of Adam and Eve should fall onto  to my daughter.

I wanted to do the right thing for my daughter and she was christened in a private ceremony that was held that coming Saturday.

This did not endeavour me to the Catholic church and as my daughter got older I began to think that I was withholding something that could bring comfort and support to her in later life.

I particaly like the story in the bible.  Mathew 19:14 Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them.
But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.

I really took this so literally that when I took my daughter to church and when we had to go up to the altar for first holy comune.  I took my daughter with me.  My daughter must of been 18 months old at the time.  The priest ignored my daughter entirely and this shattered the believe that everyone was important in the eyes of the church and God.

I was extremely upset and after the mass I blasted the priest.  He just shrugged it off and went on amongst the church goers and greeting them and shaking hands.

The priest that came every week to see my mother was a compassionate man and not because he was a priest but because he was that type of person that generally cared for others.  When he passed on the priest that took over his position did not bother to visit my mother.

When I had my second daughter she was never baptised I decided when the time came she could choice any religion that she wants to follow.

Today I don't consider myself a religious person.  I don't attend church.  I believe very strongly in God and I am inclined to have discussion with him.  I come to the believe that church goers can be the worst people for they seems to have this attitude they can do as they please even if it is wrong.  Most of them can't be counted on is because the only person they really care about is themselves.  I believe that one can pray to God anywhere it does not have to be in a church. I believe that God did create the earth and everything on it, including us but not in the way the bible tells us.

I believe God created evolution so that all could evolve as circumstances dictated it.

I believe that God gave us the intelligence to solve most of life's  mysteries. That is our scientists and they have made remarable discoveries and advances in so many fields.
So many discoveries that are saving people's lives. Not only that they are finding out things that gives us answer to where man originated from. Also how other species have evolved.

To date is like a huge puzzle with many of the puzzle pieces missing but I am confident that one day there will complete this puzzle.  Maybe not in mine or your life time but ........

I believe that science and religion serve our different needs.

A couple that has a very sick child needs the advancement and discoveries that scientists have made in order to save  the child life.  The couple also needs religion so they have faith to support them through this very difficult period.

I have no faith in the church or religion.  I don't try and influence others that do.  I believe that we all should live our lives a certain way.  We should be good people and have compassion and understanding for others.  We should always be wiiling to help out others when they require it.  That we should not deliberately hurt others.  For any reason that we hurt another we should try and make amends and ask their forgiveness. That we should believe in others as we would like them to believe in us.

Believe me I am no angel.  I have said and done some nasty things which I later have regretted but most of these times I have apologised and asked for forgiveness.

Most of all I never make promises to God.  With God all things are possible and with this believe I have overcome many problems.  With each solved problem I always remember to say thank you.  When things don't  pan out accordingly I keep up the struggle to a find a solution and eventually that does happen but takes a bit longer for it to happen.  Neither do i blame God when things go wrong.  We all know that shit happens.

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